Socrative – a neat tool for student feedback
I recently learned about the tool Socrative, and have started using it in my math classes as a closure activity (something quick at the end of class for students to summarize the lesson and give me quick feedback). I’ll give a quick pros and cons rundown from my perspective.
- Low overhead for me and students: easy to set up and use
- Does all the data work for me
- Flexible – I use as an exit ticket, but you can use it for quizzes or surveys
- My students are already familiar with it
- My students don’t like it — perhaps due to how it is used in other classes?
- Possible information overload
- Students don’t always take it seriously unless it will be graded
- Requires everyone to get their computer or phone out, which I usually discourage
I’ll keep using it in Math 9 for a while to see whether I continue to keep liking it. Here’s a screenshot of the Excel file it creates (names removed, click to enlarge):