I’m proud to say that I have successfully completed my third McGill professional Field Experience, at Beurling Academy. I received glowing evaluations from my supervisor and cooperating teacher, which I have taken samples from to share here: McCarthy FE3 Evaluations…
My third field experience took place over three months at Beurling Academy in Verdun. I had a great time teaching three wonderful Grade 10 and 11 math classes (science option) and was sad to leave the school. Below I have…
I have learned a lot in the last several months at Beurling Academy about managing classrooms, both from my day-to-day classroom management and by substituting for a Cultural, Social and Technical math class several times. It is difficult to summarize…
Here’s a situational problem I created for my Grade 10 math class: McCarthy Park. Designed for use around November-December in a Grade 10 Science-option math class in Quebec, it combines functions and quadratics. I used this successfully with my class…
I recently completed an assignment called “Success for All” in my third field experience. The assignment was to choose one student from our classes who was on the tipping point between success and failure, and to take note of what…
I coached the midget girls volleyball team during my time at Beurling Academy, which was a great learning experience and very enjoyable. I kept a daily log of my thoughts at the end of the day and occasionally wrote about…